
 En svärm av insekter

Läste en gammal artikel att vindkraftverken dödar mängder av insekter


och utan insekter hur otroligt det än låter

(för jag gillar inte mygg och knott) 

så kan det få stora konsekvenser av vår planet

4 kommentarer:

  1. ...I'm not fond of things that bite me.

  2. Insects are so important to our planet. We don't have mosquitoes here but something called 'midges' they are mean little buggers! I am not fond of either midges or horseflies. I sadly attracted the eating insects! And have to wear citronella oil during summer to stop getting eaten haha! But otherwise, I love to photograph them!

    Great shot :-D

    1. Yes, they can be troublesome in the summer, mosquitoes and gnats
      but they are important for our planet
