
 Idag men för 10 år sedan

 Så fota jag vid kopparverket i riddarhyttan denna dag idag

ser ut att även då för 10 år sedan

var lika tuff vinter som vi har nu av att bedömma

isen vid dammluckan 

Ikväll så har vi minus 19 grader kallt ute

och det har vart så här snart i en månad snart känns det som

men varmare väder är på ingång snart 

Hoppas till helgen

8 kommentarer:

  1. ...today we are having our first heavy snowfall of the season,.

    1. Lovely just in time for Christmas
      It's just cold here, maybe there will be snow for the weekend

  2. Looks so cold! The texture of the wall is incredible too

    1. We are having very cold weather right now
      Thanks roentare

  3. Lovely photo! We got a bit of snow last night and are going through a cold spell too but we are at -5c which is not close to where you are at. People are having a tough time with the ice on the road and footpaths. Warmer weather coming this weekend here too. Stay warm!

    1. Thanks Bill
      We have had minus 20 degrees for a while now
      Hoping for warmer weather soon

  4. Wonderful photos! Pfft that is really chilly and cold! I was moaning about -10 the other night, I left work in the evening and forgot gloves. Had to pull my sleeves over my hands as the steering wheel was too cold! Still no snow in my part of Scotland but warnings are for next week.

    1. Thanks ananka
      Hope you have a white Christmas with snow
