Jag tyckte att bilden av Tullgarns slott var så dåligt fotograferad av mig
Blek himmel och inget sting i bilden
Gjorde om bilden i Affinityphoto
till en montage bild
samtidigt så får jag lära mig mera av programmet affinity photo
som jag har svårt med för övrigt
det var lite knepigt att få till bilden i träd verken i dess krona
man kan se vart jag har missat om man zoomar in
...sometimes the sky isn't beautiful.
SvaraRaderaSometimes it can be colorless
RaderaThanks Tom
A wonderfully dramatic sky! I'm not familiar with the Affinity program. I'll have to check it out.
SvaraRaderaThank you very much
RaderaAffintity is a fairly common windows program I think, however, comes from apple computer from the beginning
I think there is a purist cult out there on social media. I really think it is really the individual's decision to create their own version of art. You created two different unique looks to the façade of this place.
SvaraRaderaIt is always up to you to judge how an image should be created if you do not do a job for another customer
RaderaThank you very much
Our friend from Australia (roentare) is right. The artist is free to do what he or she wants, and should not feel the need to explain the magic. You took a good, but someone ordinary photo and made it startlingly unique. Well done.
SvaraRaderaThank you very much Bill
RaderaIt can be interesting to photoshop sometimes