
 På den  6 dagen på gotland så fortsatte jag att utforska

delar av naturreservat och kyrkor 

av kyrkor att bedöma så finns det en hel del av dom på Gotland

cirka 100 stycken 

Varav 3 stycken öde kyrkor 


4 kommentarer:

  1. ...Mikael, you have captured the best of the sea, forest and countryside!

    1. Many thanks Tom
      I'm very glad you like it

  2. A fantastic day 6! I really like the photos of the cows staring at you! Great you got so close to them too. The sea photos are so colourful too. And loving the trees and again the old churches are wonderful :-D You really made the most of your holiday :-D When we go anywhere, I am always taking photos!

    1. Thank you so much ananka
      the cows roamed freely in there
      and they are just as curious every time
      it was a young animal
